Like the first part, the world of Dark Souls 2 immerses players in darkness and despair. Locations are filled with ruin and strange creatures, with each new area serving as a reminder of humanity's past mistakes. The game does not provide a clear, linear story, and to understand what’s happening in the world, players must carefully observe their surroundings, seek clues in items, character interactions, and ancient writings. This minimalist storytelling approach requires players’ attentiveness and a willingness to delve into details. The game takes place in the kingdom of Drangleic, where the protagonist, who has lost their memory, must find a way to lift the curse that turns all who suffer from it into undead. However, the more players progress through this dangerous world, the more they realize that the curse is not the only threat — something bigger is at play, and only those ready for tough trials will uncover the truth.